Discover the work of Save Venice

Since 1971, Save Venice has funded the conservation of over 2,000 individual artworks. Projects range from paintings, sculptures, frescoes, architectural works both large and small, mosaics, votive objects, and even church organs, maps, books, boats, and manuscripts. Explore some of our projects and discover the work of Save Venice.

Current Projects

In Progress
Palazzo Ducale

Campaign for the Room of the Four Doors at the Palazzo Ducale

Andrea Palladio (1508 - 1580), Antonio da Ponte (1512 – 1597), Giovanni Battista Cambio called il Bombarda (active c. 1540 – 1577), Jacopo Tintoretto (c. 1518/19–1594), Alessandro Vittoria (1525 – 1608), Girolamo Campagna (1549 – 1625), Francesco Castelli (active 1550 – 1589), Giulio del Moro (c. 1555 – c. 1618), Nicolò Bambini (1652 – 1736), Ermolao Paoletti (1834 – 1912)
In Progress
Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta - Torcello

Mosaic Floor of the Presbytery in the Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta – Torcello

In Progress
Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Jacopo Tintoretto’s Crucifixion in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Jacopo Tintoretto (c. 1518/19 - 1594)
Available for Sponsorship
Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello in Palazzo Pisani

Stuccowork and Marmorino Decoration in the Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello in Palazzo Pisani

Giuseppe Ferrari; Francesco and Zuanne Re

Special Exhibition | Eye to Eye with Giulia Lama: A Woman Artist in 18th-Century Venice

In Progress
Church of San Sebastiano

Church of San Sebastiano

Paolo Veronese, Girolamo Campagna, Alessandro Vittoria, Andrea Schiavone, Palma il Giovane, Titian, Jacopo Sansovino, and Antonio Abbondi, known as Scarpagnino
Church of Santa Maria and San Donato - Murano

Campaign for San Donato, Murano | Central Apse Mosaic

Available for Sponsorship
Church of San Marziale

Women Artists of Venice Program

Giulia Lama (1681-1747); Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757); Marianna Carlevarijs (1703-1750)
In Progress
Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone (Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni)

Vittore Carpaccio’s Narrative Cycle in the Scuola Dalmata

Vittore Carpaccio (c. 1465–c. 1526)
In Progress
Gallerie dell'Accademia

Gentile Bellini’s Procession in Piazza San Marco in the Gallerie dell’Accademia

Gentile Bellini (c. 1429 – 1507)
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