The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Boston chapter of Save Venice is open to all free of charge. The meeting will summarize our activities and restorations in the previous year, and present a slate of officers for 2024-25 to be voted upon by those present.
An optional ticketed reception ($50) will precede the business meeting and lecture.
A short lecture titled “Coming Home: The Repatriation of the Boston Mariegole” by Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis, Executive Director, Medieval Academy of America, will conclude the meeting.
In Renaissance Venice, confraternities and workmen’s guilds played a fundamental role in religious, social and civic life. Each confraternity had its own book of policies and rules, called a mariegola. While researching two mariegole belonging to the Boston Public Library (one a codex and the other a mere fragment), manuscript scholar Lisa Fagin Davis discovered that they had been stolen from the Venetian Archivio di Stato during World War II. In this lecture, Dr. Davis will tell the story of her discoveries, research that led to the mariegole’s 2017 repatriation to Venice.
Lisa Fagin Davis received her PhD in Medieval Studies from
Yale University in 1993 and has catalogued medieval manuscript collections at Yale University, Wellesley College, the MFA Boston, and the Boston Public Library. She has served as Executive Director of the Medieval Academy of America since 2013.
to Susan Angelastro at or via the Register button below
Save Venice Boston,
P.O. Box 170302, Boston, MA 02117
133 East 58th Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10022
Palazzo Contarini Polignac
Dorsoduro 870 30123 Venice, Italy
The Rosand Library & Study Center is accessible by appointment.
133 East 58th Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10022
Palazzo Contarini Polignac
Dorsoduro 870 30123 Venice, Italy
The Rosand Library & Study Center is accessible by appointment.