Robert Kushner and Jorge Pombo, Artists
Do artists see Venice differently from the rest of us? Two contemporary painters share what they love to look at in Venice, their thoughts on the Venetian aesthetic, and the Venetian influences and parallels in their work. Spaniard Jorge Pombo lives in Italy and in recent years has had two exhibitions in Venice’s Scuola Grande di San Rocco. American Robert Kushner has decades of experience in combining geometric patterns, figurative elements, and striking colors; he has exhibited in two Biennales in Venice. Lee Essex Doyle, a Boston artist, will serve as moderator.
Reservations for the BOSTON LECTURE SERIES should be made via email to Susan Angelastro at
Checks should be mailed to Save Venice Boston, P.O. Box 170302, Boston, MA 02117
If you wish to pay via Square, please visit:
Individual tickets are $10 per lecture, and $25 for the series. Members or Patrons who previously purchased tickets for the cancelled series in 2020 should indicate that to Susan Angelastro when registering.
All lectures will be held via Zoom, and the link will be sent to all registered guests shortly before the event.
133 East 58th Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10022
Palazzo Contarini Polignac
Dorsoduro 870 30123 Venice, Italy
The Rosand Library & Study Center is accessible by appointment.
133 East 58th Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10022
Palazzo Contarini Polignac
Dorsoduro 870 30123 Venice, Italy
The Rosand Library & Study Center is accessible by appointment.